Hi, I’m Camilo. Thanks for stopping by.

I ask a lot of questions.

It’s how I navigate the world. In this site, I explore in public and take you on the journey.

What are some of the questions that I’ve explored?

Why journal and where to start?

How do you write great metaphors?

How to avoid book chugging?

What am I exploring currently?

I’m keen to understand to build habits that make us more compassionate, authentic human beings; and what that first step looks like.

I explore how to build introspection, as I believe it’s the most important power to learn.

I ponder how we may unlearn some of the programming in our society that creates unnecessary suffering and anxiety.

I often think about the creative process and how to unlock creativity in every human being. How can we make more creators than consumers?

I am now sharing my explorations in my Substack newsletter (follow along here).

About Me

I was born in Colombia and spent my childhood there. Moved to the USA when I was 11 and became a multicultural hybrid. I’ve lived in Italy and Germany and have worked with teams/organizations all over Latin America, Europe, and Asia.

In my career, I’ve made heartwarming lattes, helped craft business cases for next generation airplanes, given workshops to startups on how to set goals, sold cloud software to SMBs all over LATAM, among many other random and wonderful experiences.

Currently, I’m on sabbatical after a 7+ year career in cloud sales at Google.

I also enjoy staying active. Whether it’d be through triathlons, playing soccer, skiing, yoga, or dancing I find joy in movement. I’m also one of those people you can talk for hours about topics as diverse as soccer, best anime shows in the last 10 years, and the history of Reggaeton.

I wrote The Compass; a guide that will help you identify unhelpful conventional wisdom, arm you with new mindsets, habits and tools to live a life with less anxiety and more intention.

Twitter: @camilomoresala

Instagram: @camilomoresala

VSCO - My artsy photographer side